Monday, October 3, 2022

Happy Monday!


(Please note, if you have a swimming choice hour after school you will need another swimsuit and towel!)

The following assignments should be written in your child's planner, which is inside their zipper binder.  Parents, please use this blog to 'cross-check' with your child's planner. They should be completing their planner every day in class.

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)

This week, students read Chapters 16-20 in our community read.

This week’s home discussion questions: 

  • In the book, the children devise a plan to go off on their own to help their friend.  This is scary and risky. Have your student explain the kids’ plan to you and predict how their parents might react when they find out.

Language Arts
Spelling - Students have a new list of words in their planner. The word list has been assigned in their Powerspelling account (click the Powerspelling link under Language Arts on the right side of this blog) login with username initials and usual password (Learnanimal/number period) Play all 7 games on Powerspelling by Sunday 10/16 Test is 10/17

4th Grd. - H/R None

3rd Grd. - H/R 1-13
This book is in your child's binder and should be returned to school every day.

Social Studies
Talk about (No need to write anything down for this...just talk about it to someone at home!)
- Explain what Lines of longitude and lines of latitude are
Previous Talk About topics:
- Talk about the kinds of things that Geographers study. Think about the sections we read in our Regions textbook. - Check on your planner for your keyword list 

Talk about (No need to write anything down for this...just talk about it to someone at home!)
- What is a difference between Gravity and Magnetism, what is the same?
Previous Talk About topics:
- Explain some of the magnetism experiments that you constructed in class (Swinging magnet and paperclip, paperclips on a stick, talking magnets, and magnets on a straw/pencil) Use vocab words such as repel, attract, and magnetic field.

Book Orders Orders were given to students! Thanks for your orders!
Click on the digital ALL Flyers link
If you would like to place a book order please click on the link on the right side of the blog. Set up a username and password (of your own choice) and please link your account to our class using the following code: GKQKW  Each $ spent earns our class points that I can use to purchase new books for our classroom library! Thank you! 

Have a great night!