Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Subjects taught today:
Language Arts: Reader’s Workshop
Math: (3rd) Volume (4th) Volume
Science: Live Link to ISS NASA Houston, Texas
Social Studies:. - Michigan Government
Co-curricular class: Art and Swimming

The fieldtrip is tomorrow. Chaperones, please arrive at the classroom at 8:50am to pick up your agenda folders and board the bus with us at 9:00am
REMEMBER to bring a bag lunch, drinks and snacks that are easy to handle and carry around with you. Dress with layers and BE PREPARED FOR RAIN! (NO flip flops please!)
We will depart BCS at 9:00am and should return at approx 2:15-2:30pm
The chaperones for this fieldtrip are, Mrs. Kohl, Mrs. Patel. Mrs. Rifkin, Mrs. Beard, Mr. Liddell, Mrs. Milia, Mrs. Baughman and Mrs. Johnson

Parents: If you would like to receive email notification when this blog is updated, please submit your email address at the right side of the page.

Reading: Parents, please initial at the bottom of each day’s planner entry, so that I know your child is completing their nightly required reading.
3rd: 20 mins (Fact squad may split the time, or switch reading for fact prac.)
4th: 30 mins

Spelling: None

Language Arts: None

Math: 4th – S.L 11.4 and 11.5 J.pgs 298-302 Due Monday
IXL 60 mins each week due each Saturday

Math: 3rd – Second Area and Perimeter worksheet (double sided)
No new H.L.  Unit 9 assessment signed by parent and returned Multiplication #4 due 5/31
Shape Identification NOW OVERDUE (was Monday 5/21)
Multiplication #3 NOW OVERDUE (was due 5/25)
Make sure that you are up to date with all your quizzes. All outstanding test links that need completing have been sent to your BCS student email
IXL: Practice Multiplication & Division 3rd grade skills 30mins each week (due by End of day Sunday, every week)

3rd Grade End of Year fact expectations:
Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 30 addition/30 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 50 division/50 multiplication facts in 3 mins
4th Grade End of Year fact expectations:
Students should have quick mental recall of the following number of facts by the end of the year: 50 addition/50 subtraction facts in 2 mins and 100 division/ multiplication facts in 5 mins

Science: None

Engage: Bring in the supplies you need for your group project (Due date extended to Monday)

Social Studies: FYI - Our MI textbook is available online. Our class code is parkin34
Then click on student edition We have been reading about Michigan Geography (page 11-34) MI Native Americans (pages 42-65) and the European Arrival (72-103) Unit 5: Michigan Economy (264-287) MI Government (290-325)

3rd graders – Project due June 8th Please check Sen. Geisler’s wiki for homework and Quiz dates
4th graders – Please check Srt. Kron’s wiki for homework and Quiz dates

Dates to remember:
Swimming Monday (12:55pm-1:40pm) and Thursday (1:45-2:30)
The P.E and Swim schedule for the year is located on the right hand side of the blog. (You may need to scroll down.)

To access your H drive from home:
Go to the BPS homepage at
 Hover over the “Parents/Students” link on the top menu bar.  A drop down menu will appear. Then, click on the REMOTE ACCESS button.