Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Subjects taught today:
Reader’s Workshop – Just Right Books and reading log
Writing an effective response to a prompt
Math- Unit 1 (continued)
Co curricular class: Spanish
Social Studies – Social Scientists

Here is what we have for you today:
Language Arts:
Bring a chapter book to class
Read at least 20 minutes (3rd graders) or 30 minutes (4th graders) after school each day

3rd Grade Math:
 H.L 1.5  J. Pg 8 (math box page)
·         Remember to keep your Home link book and your math Journal in your zipper binder. Bring them both to school each day.
·         Remember to leave your student reference book (SRB) at home. You are borrowing this book for the year and should refer to it when needed.

4th Grade Math:
S.L 1.5 No J.pgs
Read the Study Guide on Shapes Review line segment, rays and lines worksheet

Social Studies:
Choose 1 of the 4 social scientists activities on the back page of your packet. Complete the activity on the back of your Social Science packet. Due Monday 9/17

Important Dates:
• Back to School Night FOR PARENTS is tonight, September 13. Volunteer sign up and refreshments begin at 6:00 p.m., Mr. Wallington and I will begin our presentation at 6:30 sharp in his room (205), Mrs. Chinn and Mr. Bishop begin their presentation at 7:00pm  in the Media Center..

Important Reminders:
• School starts at 8:20. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.
• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.
• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.
• Bring a chapter book every day.

Swimming Info:
1st Marking Period (Parkin’s class has swimming on Monday and Friday)
Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28: Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.
Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM.