Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Happy Tuesday!

The following assignments should be written in your child's planner.  Parents, please use this blog to 'cross-check' with your child's planner. They should be completing their planner every day in class.

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)

Language Arts
Talk about (No need to write anything down for this...just talk about it to someone at home!)
Talk about the research skills that you are practicing in class
Previous Talk About topics
-Tell a parent some facts about Thanksgiving that you wrote about in your Writer's Notebook today.
- Summarize the story: Because of Winn-Dixie

Spelling - List #6 is written in your child's planner. The word list has also been assigned to their Powerspelling account (click the Powerspelling link under Language Arts on the right side of this blog) login with username initials and usual password (Learnanimal/number period) 
Play all the games on Powerspelling by Sunday 12/11 Test is 12/12 in school.

4th Grd. - H/R

3rd Grd. - H/R None 
Show a parent your score (you won't be able to see the test) on Thinkcentral App (on Classlink)
Complete 3 sessions on Xtramath each week.  XtraMath sessions usually only last about 5-7 mins, until Mr. C says, "you're done!"

Social Studies
Talk about (No need to write anything down for this...just talk about it to someone at home!)
Tell a parent what you have learned about during your State research
Previous Talk About topics:
- Explain what Lines of longitude and lines of latitude are.
- Talk about the kinds of things that Geographers study. Think about the sections we read in our Regions textbook. - Check your planner for your keyword list 

Talk about (No need to write anything down for this...just talk about it to someone at home!)
Previous Talk About topics:
Describe how your Twirly Bird design compared to the standard design. What changes in motion did you observe?
-  Explain what a magnetic field is? - What did you test in your experiment?
-  Explain some of the magnetism experiments that you constructed in class (Swinging magnet and paperclip, paperclips on a stick, talking magnets, and magnets on a straw/pencil) Use vocab words such as repel, attract, and magnetic field.

Click on the digital ALL Flyers link
If you would like to place a book order please click on the link on the right side of the blog. Set up a username and password (of your own choice) and please link your account to our class using the following code: GKQKW  Each $ spent earns our class points that I can use to purchase new books for our classroom library! Thank you! 

The Battle of The Books 22-23!
Please see the flyer for information about this year's Battle of the Books, 
and a tear-off slip to purchase this year's book bundles.

Have a great night!