Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

  Happy Wednesday!


Thank you for checking my daily blog where I will continue to post homework and news throughout the year. If you would like notifications of when there is a new post please type your email in the "Follow" box at the top, right-hand corner of this blog.

Our second half-day went great! We had fun getting to know a bit more about each other and BCS.  Students went to Eng.Tech. with Mr. Brown and Spanish. with Mr. Leibson today for their co-curricular classes.

Students have their planners and a folder for papers coming home from school. Both of these items should travel back and forth to and from school.

Choice Hour begins tomorrow. Each student will be given their quarter 1 (Q1) schedule and will be escorted to their choice hour class by their buddy. If you would like to drop/change a class please email Mrs. Bushman at:

Have a great night!

Mark Your Calendars!

  • Ice Cream Social  on BCS playground - Thursday September 5th 5pm -7pm
  • Picture Day - Monday, September 9th (Flyer is inside your child's folder)
  • 3/4 Curriculum night (Parents only) - Thursday, September 19th  
6:00-6:30 PM in Media center Principals welcome and Co Curricular staff present
6:40-7:10 PM in room 205 Parkin/Wallington present Curriculum Night