Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Monday, October 1, 2012

We visited the Nature Center today! It was a really interesting afternoon. The students were guided around the trails looking signs of animal activity and observing the various plant/tree/animal life. They learned about classification of Invertebrates and Vertebrates.

Subjects taught today:
Language Arts – Book room visit to switch out books
Math – Unit 1 review and timed test intro
Co curricular class: None
Social Studies – The Regions of the United States

Here is what we have for you today:
Language Arts: Continue with your Razz Kids reading. Teacher username is lparkina
Read at least 20 minutes (3rd graders) or 30 minutes (4th graders) after school each day. (Remember; Raz-Kids reading can be used for this time)

3rd Grade Math:
No H.L Finish your Unit 1 review (if not completed in class) Ask a parent to sign the front page. Return it to school tomorrow. Test is Wednesday. – Due Wednesday 10/3 Complete the 2 timed test (Addition and Subraction) that have been assigned you to.
·         To get to  click on the link under Frequently Visited Places:
·         Click on your name
·         Type in your school password (no username needed)
·         Position one hand over the numbers on your keyboard and the other hand to click Enter or Submit with the mouse.

 IXL practice for 10 mins by Friday.Work in the Time section for 3rd grade. If that is complete 10 mins free choice in any section
·         Remember to keep your Home link book and your Math Journal in your zipper binder. Bring them both to school each day.
·         Remember to leave your student reference book (SRB) at home. You are borrowing this book for the year and should refer to it when needed.

4th Grade Math: Finish your packet from your lesson today.
No S.L 2. or J. pg due today
Math geo-poster due 10/5
Social Studies: None


Please click on your teacher’s Wiki page linked under Frequently Visited Sites (right hand side column)

Important Reminders:
• School starts at 8:20am. Students should be in their homeroom seat by this time.
• Please bring 3 sharp pencils to class every day.
• Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.
• Bring a chapter book every day.

Swimming Info:
1st Marking Period (Parkin’s class has swimming on Monday and Friday)
Tuesday, September 4 through Friday, September 28: Frishman, Seley, Maliszewski, and Wallington will be in the GYM.
Butzin, Davis, Harvath, and Parkin will SWIM

Important Dates: