Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Sunday, August 28, 2022

It's almost time for Back to School!

I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful summer break.
I'm looking forward to meeting my new third graders and am excited to see all my fourth graders again. 

Our first week back will be filled with time to get to know each other. Everyone will have a buddy to help them!  We'll practice classroom routines, organize school supplies, and learn about our BCS schedule. And of course, have lots of FUN!

Monday is a half day so there is no lunch, but remember to pack a snack (nut free, if possible) and water bottle. Dismissal to the busses or pick up is at 11:30 AM. Choice hour will begin on Tuesday. The schedule will be given to the students on Monday. My fourth graders will be escorting their 3rd-grade buddies to each room for the first 2 weeks! 

I will send home the P.E./Swim schedule for the year on Monday. It is linked on the right side of this blog under my followers. We will start the year in the gym so remember your gym shoes on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Enjoy your final days of Summer and I'll see you all soon!
~ Mrs. P! ~