Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Happy Wednesday!

The following assignments should be written in your child's planner, which is inside their zipper binder.  Parents, please use this blog to 'cross-check' with your child's planner. They should be completing their planner every day in class.

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)

Language Arts -  Summarize chapter 7-8 from our class novel, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing
Today we launch our word study on Powerspelling - ask your child to show you how they access this site to practice spelling. The games are not assigned yet due to the Jewish holiday. We will start next week.

Previous Talk About Topics:
- Summarize what we read from our class novel, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing
- Tell 3 facts about Constitution Day (use page 144 in your planner to help you)
Talk About - Summarize what we read from our class novel, Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing

4th Grade - None
3rd Grade -  10 mins of iReady Math Path 3 times per week
Xtramath 3 times per week Complete 1 session (about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!")
To access iReady:
- Go to the Birmingham Public Schools Website
- Scroll Down to ClassLink (bookmark this site) Log in
- Click on the iReady App and select Math Pathway
To access Xtramath:
Account setup directions were sent home on the XtraMath flyer.
- Type XtraMath into your browser (bookmark this site)
- Login with your 4-digit PIN (the last four numbers on your account number)
- Complete 1 session (about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!"
Click the link to access Illustrative Math Family Support Materials  

Social Studies - None

If you would like to place a book order please click on the link on the right side of the blog. To place an order - Set up a username and password (of your own choice) and please link your account to our class using the following code: GKQKW  
Each $ spent earns our class points that I can use to purchase new books for our classroom library! Thank you! 

Mark Your Calendar!
There was an issue with the survey link. Please click Here for the link to the questions about Illustrative Math Google form