Monday, August 28, 2023

It was a busy morning of organization, introductions, and fun! 

Each student now has a blue "Take Home" folder which must stay inside their zipper binder. This folder is for papers coming home from school. Inside the blue folder is a word search that was completed for bell work this morning. Students can finish it at home for fun if they would like to! Third graders also received a welcome paper (also to keep at home) from a 4th grader in our class!

Students received their planners today and P.E. schedule for the year.

Choice Hour begins on Wednesday. Each student will be given their schedule, which will be put in their blue folder.  If you would like to drop, join, or change a choice hour class please email Mrs. Bassett at:

Tomorrow is another half day (dismissal at 11:20 AM) 

Don't forget to wear or bring tennis shoes for P.E. tomorrow! 

Have a great night!