Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Thank you for checking my daily blog! I will continue to post homework and news here rather than sending daily emails. If you would like notifications when I post please type your email in the Follow box at the top, right-hand corner of this blog.

Our second half-day went great! We had fun getting to know a bit more about each other and BCS.  Students went to Engage with Mr. Whitmer and P.E. with Mr. Johansson today for their co-curricular classes.

4th graders should bring in their Chromebooks!  They will store them in their locker until our cart is ready for our classroom. 3rd graders will be assigned a Chromebook soon!

Homework:  See Inside Blue Take home folder.

Decorate the front (and back - optional) of the composition notebook that you were given in class. See directions on how to decorate. It is due Wednesday, September 6th. If you finish it early, you can bring your book in and store it in your Language Arts box.

Students have their planners inside their zipper binders and they have a copy of our homeroom schedule so they know what co-curricular classes they have each day of the week. This info is posted outside our classroom too - so no need to memorize it!

Choice Hour begins tomorrow. Each student will be given their quarter 1 (Q1) schedule (see inside the blue folder) If you would like to drop/change a class please email Mrs. Bassett at: cbassett@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Have a great night!

Mark Your Calendars!

3/4 Curriculum night (Parents only) - Thursday, September 14th 
6-6:30PM BCS PTA Meet & Greet
6:30-8PM ¾ Curriculum Night
Program begins at 6:30 PM in classrooms
Welcome from Jill/Jason, Co-Curricular teachers and PTSA at 7:05 PM in the media center

Picture Day - Thursday, September 11th (for students who did not have their picture taken at Back to School registration days)