Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Happy Wednesday!

We had a great day today! The students presented their decorated notebook covers and generated titles for their stories. They tested out their logins and passwords on the Chromebooks in preparation for iReady testing, which is tomorrow. Then we did a scavenger hunt around the media center. Engineering Technology was today's co-curricular class.

4th Graders were given their M-Step reports (see inside the blue folder)

The following assignments should be written in your child's planner. Parents, please use this blog as a 'cross-check' to make sure your child is completing this very important task. 

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)

Language Arts 
All decorated Writer's Notebooks were due today - Well done everyone! We are going to do some great writing this year!

Mark Your Calendar!
Thursday, September 15th - 3/4 Curriculum Night
If you have a schedule conflict, please do not worry. We will send a paper copy of the presentation home with your child.
(Mr. Wallington and I will present a short summary of the curriculum and explain the routines and organization that your child will experience and practice this year. Then, Mrs. Geden and Mr. Hill will present the co-curricular areas at BCS)

September 11th - Picture Day - for student who did not have their picture taken at registration

Have a great night!