Tuesday, September 5, 2023

We had a great Tuesday in Room 207. 
I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend!

We switched for math first thing this morning. Students completed a fun math trifold activity and took notes from the Week of Inspirational Math video clips. They learned that mistakes are powerful and that it is good to think deeply about math.
Our All About Me posters and Word Clouds are proudly on display in our classroom and the hallway. Students went to Engage and Spanish for co-curricular today.

iReady Reading will start on Thursday 9/7. Students need headphones or earbuds (see below for how to prepare)

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)

Language Arts 
Decorate your writer's Notebook - due Wednesday, Sept. 6th. Directions and notebooks were sent home in students' blue folders on Monday.

Please enroll on XtraMath by Friday 9/8. The flyer for how to enroll was sent home with your child (in their blue folder) last week.
Then you should start practicing on this site until you complete the first level (Basic multiplication of 0-9 at 3-second recall)

Mark Your Calendar!

Monday, September 11th - Picture Day (For students who did not have their picture taken at registration)

Thursday, September 14th - 3/4 Curriculum Night
If you have a schedule conflict, please do not worry. We will send a paper copy of the presentation home with your child.
(Mr. Wallington and I will present a short summary of the curriculum and explain the routines and organization that your child will experience and practice this year. Then, Mrs. Geden and Mr. Hill will present the co-curricular areas at BCS)

iReady testing begins this week
The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motivate them to put forth their best effort during the test. To help prepare your child for the i-Ready Diagnostic, encourage them to
● Get a good night's sleep and eat a full breakfast on the day(s) of the assessment.
● Try their best on each question and try not to rush.
● Try not to worry about questions they do not know—remind them they will get only about half
of the questions correct.

Have a great night!