Thursday, September 7, 2023

Happy Thursday!

We had a great day today! After Math, we began iReady reading testing. Then, students who finished were able to continue some reading fun on EPIC. Engage and Spanish were today's co-curricular classes.

The following assignments should be written in your child's planner. Parents, please use this blog as a 'cross-check' to make sure your child is completing this very important task. 

P.E./Swim Schedule 2023-24

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)

Language Arts 

4th Grade - Practice 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication
3rd grade - Well done with XtraMath enrollment.
If you are not yet registered - Please enroll by following the steps on the flyer sent home in the Blue folder last week.

Mark Your Calendar!
Thursday, September 14th - 3/4 Curriculum Night
If you have a schedule conflict, please do not worry. We will send a paper copy of the presentation home with your child.
(Mr. Wallington and I will present a short summary of the curriculum and explain the routines and organization that your child will experience and practice this year. Then, Mrs. Geden and Mr. Hill will present the co-curricular areas at BCS)

September 11th - Picture Day - for students who did not have their picture taken at registration

Have a great night!